12 December 2013
09 December 2013
Fringe bikinis
Black, white and blue fringe bikinis now available in medium and large - order online www.roxstarbikini.com
05 December 2013
04 December 2013
02 December 2013
25 November 2013
22 November 2013
Ilana's Open Days
Stunning 10 day open day happening in Cowies Hill, selling Roxstar bikinis and LOTS of other lovely Christmas goodies.
Definitely worth your while popping in x
18 November 2013
Cassandra Stead
The stunning Cassandra Stead has entered the Miss ZigZag competition and WOW does she look stunning in her Roxstar bikini.
Click here to view her page and to vote for her!
(Click here to order this same bikinis)
Good luck Cassandra x
11 November 2013
04 November 2013
30 October 2013
Lettie Paddle
Lettie Paddle is a great cause that we have had the privileged to be asked to get involved with.
It is an amazing story of a selfless friend (Danica) who has undertaken to be the first woman to paddle from Richards Bay to Durban to raise awareness for cancer and funds for her special friend Lettie who is fighting her battle with cancer.
{Nikki Haynes AKA Lettie}
{Danica Bartho}
Danica we wish you all the best of luck and hope it is smooth paddling all the way!
You can do it girl x
Read more about this awesome story on their Facebook page or via the official website
23 October 2013
BodiBronze Spray Tans
You will remember BodiBronze from our gorgeously tanned models at our Launch last month. We caught up with Sam to find out more about her business and the benefits of spray tans.
What inspired you to start a mobile spray tan business?
I have always loved the fashion and
beauty industry. I used to tan quite a lot when I was a teenager and have seen
that this is very damaging to the skin. The sun is so damaging and we are all
trying to beat wrinkles and ageing. A fake tan is one way of combating ageing.
You don't need the sun to have a great tan! In this day and age, woman have
their hands full juggling work, children and home chores, that they just don't
have the time to get to a salon for a spray tan. I recognised that I could
offer these woman a spray tan in the comfort of their own home. I am a mom of a
gorgeous 3 year old boy and this line of work still affords me the opportunity
to spend loads of time with him but also run my own business helping woman look
and feel great. Its amazing what a tan can do to your self confidence!
What products do you use and why?
What products do you use and why?
I use Caribbean tan professional.
Caribbean tan has such a great, natural looking colour. Unlike many other self
tan ranges, Caribbean tan has an ABC system to ensure you never look orange. A
for light skin, B for medium and C for Olive skin. The range also contains a
Cinnamon and Coconut Skin Smoothing Exfolia (with added Jojoba oil) that smells
good enough to eat and a Body Butter and shimmer to be used post tan. I also
love that they have a home range with different application methods from
aerosol, to mousse and spritzer. The product is also locally manufactured which
is great. We all need to try support local as much as possible:)
How long does a spray tan last?
A spray tan can last 6 - 14 days depending on how well it is looked after. To ensure a streak and patch free tan, one must always exfoliate before hand. There are a few do's and don'ts. For example, don't go for long swims or soak in the bath, don't exfoliate again too soon after you have had a spray tan etc. The skin must also always stay moisturised to try and prolong the skin exfoliation process. I recommend using the Caribbean tan Milk and Honey Skin Hydrating Body Butter, specially formulated with silk products to ensure a longer lasting tan.
What is the best part of doing what you do?
I enjoy being able to change peoples perspective of themselves with something as simple as a spray tan. It really is amazing how much confidence one gains. A tan is very slimming and there are tricks one can do to help this illusion even more. For example, putting a second layer of tan on the outer and inner thighs makes the legs appear slimmer. I love being part of the beauty industry. It is very important for woman to love and appreciate themselves regardless of age, size or colour. I love being able to help them love themselves just that little bit more.
Who should get a spray tan?
Its great for those who want a bit of colour whether it be for a function, a day at the beach or just to look great. A self tan also evens out skin tone so its great for those who maybe have a brown upper body from tanning when wearing tank tops but still have white legs.

To book your spray tan today with BodiBronze email them on bodibronze@workmail.co.za or for more info visit their Facebook page
Happy safe tanning x
Its great for those who want a bit of colour whether it be for a function, a day at the beach or just to look great. A self tan also evens out skin tone so its great for those who maybe have a brown upper body from tanning when wearing tank tops but still have white legs.
Its really fun for bridal showers. I do bridal
showers and spray tan the bride and her friends at very reduced rates. Tanning
parties. Wedding and matric dances are the most popular. If the tan is for a
wedding, it is best that a trial tan is done at least a week before and the
actual tan is done at least a day or two before the wedding. There are also a
lot men getting spray tanned and some African woman have also opted for a spray
tan. On darker skin the tan does not actually make the skin darker, it just
evens out the skin tone. We don't recommend spray tanning anyone younger than
14 years old.

To book your spray tan today with BodiBronze email them on bodibronze@workmail.co.za or for more info visit their Facebook page
Happy safe tanning x
22 October 2013
Roxstar Birthday Special
3 days until our big birthday special :)
Use promo code 'roxstarbirthday2'
valid for purchases online only
18 October 2013
Talloula Christmas Fair
Very excited to be taking part in this lovely Christmas Fair. Talloula is a stunning view in Bothas Hill with the most magnificent views. Perfect venue for some Christmas shopping and some yummy lunch.
Hope to see you there x
14 October 2013
Get It magazine - Choosing the right bikini
We recently chatted with Get It magazine on how to choose the right bikini for Summer.
You can read the article here to see what our tips are!
Remember to enter the awesome competition - read more here.
07 October 2013
Get It Magazine Feature & Competition
Roxstar is featured in the latest Get It Magazine and we could NOT be prouder.
We are running a fab competition with the Get It Magazine so click here to see how it works.
Photography by Vanilla Photography
Roxy's Hair & Makeup by The Makeup Artist
Models Hair & Makeup by Laura Halgreen
Models Hair & Makeup by Laura Halgreen
Motivational Monday - Full body workout
& consistent EXERCISE is a great way to get a healthier, stronger body
(pair exercise with healthy eating).
of staying physically fit;
– The right combination of exercise & nutrition creates a hormonal
environment conducive to fat loss, increased muscle strength & increased
energy. When your body is working at peak efficiency, your energy levels soar.
SELF-ESTEEM – Gaining control of your body size & weight through fitness is
an amazing way to increase self-esteem. You look better & are more
confident which empowers you in everything you do. You will find that the
self-discipline required & learned through regular exercise spills over
into other areas of your life & you will be better able to make other
necessary & desirable changes.
FOCUS – Did you know that the latest research shows that exercise helps keep
the brain sharp well into old age? Anything that involves mental acuity (focus
& concentration) is improved.
STRENGTH & STAMINA – Every physical thing you do becomes easier which is
immensely useful in everyday life.
DEPRESSION – The production of endorphins (FEEL GOOD hormones) is increased
through exercise. Nothing improves mood & suppresses depression better than
those endorphins.
LEVELS – The worries & stresses of everyday living (commuting, work
demands, conflicts etc.) can stick with you long after the work day is done.
Exercise right after work is the perfect natural therapy that can change your
mood. You will sleep better too.
a GORGEOUS week Ladies!
Pro Angie Snyman
04 October 2013
01 October 2013
Roxstar's birthday month
Its nearly time for Roxstar's Birthday on the 15th October :)
We cannot believe how the time has flown and how much we have grown in such a short space of time and its all because of YOU our lovely followers, fans and loyal customers.
Because of all the love you have shown us we have decided to show some love back by having lots of exciting giveaways and specials throughout our Birthday Month.
Be sure to follow our blog so you don't miss out on the action.
We cant wait to celebrate with you x
30 September 2013
Motivational Monday - Nutrition Cont.
Nutrition is essential for good health. Those that recognise &
understand the importance of nutrition will excel at their exercise regimes as
the two components go hand in hand.
You need to ensure that you start your day with
a healthy breakfast; it is the most important meal of the day. It strengthens the
brain, helps establish healthy eating habits & it improves our mood &
smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Include plenty of high quality proteins, complex
carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins & minerals (follow a healthy
& balanced diet). A balanced diet is usually expressed in one of two ways:
as a ratio of the carbohydrate, protein, & fat food groups, or as a food
pyramid, where the recommended daily consumption of different kinds of food
within the three food groups is defined by portions or quantities.
Getting the right amount of energy to stay
healthy & to perform well is KEY. Consuming too much energy increases body
fat; too little, & performance falls, injuries are more likely to occur,
& illness results.
© Control your
meal portions. To ensure the correct portion sizes you can use a food scale.
© Make sure you
drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day. When your body is properly hydrated, you will
look & feel better. Adequate water rewards you with enhanced health,
increased energy, bright, clear eyes & a radiant complexion. Water carries
nutrients to every cell in your body, it flushes out toxins, it improves circulation
& blood flow & it lubricates your joints. Make water a habit & a priority
in your life.
Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term
week I will be talking about the importance of exercise & the benefits
a GORGEOUS week Ladies!
Pro Angie Snyman
27 September 2013
High neck bikinis
High neck bikinis are very big this season and we cant say we like them very much!
For us, bikinis need to be gorgeous as well as functional. All we're picturing is that horrendous tan you will get when wearing one of these styles. Definite no no.
What do you think? Would you wear this style?
25 September 2013
Blink Mints
We are very excited to announce that we have partnered up with Blink Mints which are these amazing little taste explosions that come in these super cool little tins.
Everyone who orders bikinis through our website will receive one of these great mints with their order.
And best of all is that they are sugarfree so you don't have to feel guilty eat them and then getting into that bikini :)
Try them out and Blink Mints would love to hear your feedback.
23 September 2013
Motivational Monday
summer just around the corner, you may be wondering what you can do to start
getting your body ready for that Roxstar beach bikini.
Let’s get right to it…
Pro Angie Snyman
ladies, I think it’s time to make a few lifestyle changes, to a well deserved &
FABULOUS new you! In doing so, you do not only get that GORGEOUS beach body
that you have always been dreaming about but you will also get to enjoy the
benefits of being healthier.
Let’s get right to it…
starters, NUTRITION is ESSENTIAL for good health, so here are 4 very important
steps to take note of:
© You
need to ensure that you start your day with a healthy breakfast; it is the most
important meal of the day.
smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.
your meal portions. To ensure the correct portion sizes you can use a food
sure you drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day.
first thing I always advise my clients on is to start a FOOD DIARY & to
diaries help you become more aware of your eating & activity habits &
problem areas. They give you a basis from which to plan changes & set
goals, & allow you to look back & see what you have changed over time.
This can be very motivating. A food & activity diary will also encourage
you to make conscious choices about what you eat & do, writing it down
gives you the chance to think twice before you act.
is one of the most useful things you can do to help you gain control of your
weight. Write down everything you eat & drink over the day. It’s hard to
remember what you have eaten at the end of the day, so try to record things as
you go. It can also help to make a note of any thoughts or feelings linked to
eating. Writing down everything you eat & drink can be difficult. The more
honest you are, the more it will help you.
can take a little while to get used to & sometimes it may seem like a waste
of time, but it’s worth the effort.
week I will be talking about the importance of a nutritious diet & the
benefits thereof, as this is the KEY to creating & maintaining a body that
your best critics would kill for.
a GORGEOUS week Ladies!
20 September 2013
Fun In The Sun
We are so excited to have stall at the awesome Fun In The Sun festival :)
It is going to be a fun day out with friends, sunshine, awesome music and all based around the beautiful hazelmere dam.
Look out for us there and come pop in to say hi and have your photo taken by the Roxstar wall of fame.
Its predicted to be a record breaker event, far out ceding last years attendance so we look forward to seeing you all there x
For more information on the event visit the FITS Facebook Page
19 September 2013
Angie Snyman
How fabulous would it be to start Summer looking as slim and trim and toned as the stunning lady above? Well we most certainly would kill to look like her!
We have been trying to motivate you lovely ladies into getting into shape for Summer but atlas we are only novices in this field and don't think we are doing a very good job at that. So we have enlisted some help from someone who CLEARLY knows what she is doing. We introduce to you the amazing Angie Snyman featured on the above Fitness magazine cover.
Angie is going to be sharing her tips and tricks of the trade to ensure we are all looking beach ready in no time. Angie will take over our 'Motivational Monday' posts so be sure to follow closely.
We caught up with Angie to find out a little more about her and how she became so passionate about fitness.
Tell us a little bit
about yourself, your background and how you got into fitness?
I was born in
Pietermaritzburg, I grew up in Durban & for the past 4 years I have been
living in Richards Bay (moving back to Durban again soon). I have always been a
very active individual who loves stepping out of my comfort zone. I needed a
change of scenery though & therefore decided to start competing. It is one
of the most challenging things I ever done as it takes 100% heart, dedication
& discipline. I absolutely love it though. I have such a passion for health
& fitness.
What motivated you to
start training?
I wanted to try
something new, I have always been very skinny (I use to weigh a whole 10KG's
lighter then I do now). So ultimately I wanted to get into shape & start
focusing more on my health.
How often do you train and where?
6 times a week at
Virgin Active.
What sort of exercises do you do?
I do weight training,
which consists of high repititions.
How long have you been competing for?
1 year, I competed at
my very first competition in August 2012.
We see you were recently on the cover of Fitness magazine,
WOW! What did you enjoy most about the shoot?
EVERYTHING, having my hair & make-up done,& dressing up into the most
gorgeous Brasilfit active wear, it was a great morning, filled with fun &
What did it mean to you being on the cover of a magazine
like Fitness?
It has always been a
dream & it honestly still feels Like one...one of my personal goals are to
inspire as many women (of all ages) as possible& in becoming the Fitness
Magazine Cover Girl I hope to have shown each& everyone that DREAMS DO COME
TRUE...it does not matter where you come from...you have what it takes, you
just need to work towards your goals...! I hope to inspire many more along the
If you had to give ladies one tip on getting bikini ready
what would it be?
Put your health
first, it's all about making a LIFESTYLE change, in doing so you do not only
get that gorgeous beach body but you also enjoy the benefits of being
healthier. Get out more, have fun, be active & Live Life...!
Angie winning the WBFF Diva Fitness Model category where she was awarded with a PRO card.
17 September 2013
10 September 2013
Not Sheep Boutique
We are so happy to welcome the stunning Not Sheep Boutiques to our stockist family.
These two beautiful stores are run by the gorgeous Shannon and Tessa and their natural style definitely comes through in how they put together their amazing stores.
We caught up with them to find out a little bit more about their shops:
Where are your stores situated?
18 Rockview Rd, Amanzimtoti & The Square, Southbroom
It means we do not follow anybody and have come up with our own concept stor
We stock clothing, jewellery, costumes, gifts and Toti Store is also a coffee bar
We have always worked for ourselves and wanted a store that gave you that special treatment and was an interesting but upmarket place for ladies to come
The freedom to stock and supply all the things we love
I love your American flag bikini
For more information visit their website, Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @NotSheepB
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