
30 September 2013

Motivational Monday - Nutrition Cont.

Nutrition is essential for good health. Those that recognise & understand the importance of nutrition will excel at their exercise regimes as the two components go hand in hand.
©      You need to ensure that you start your day with a healthy breakfast; it is the most important meal of the day. It strengthens the brain, helps establish healthy eating habits & it improves our mood & behaviour. 

©      Eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Include plenty of high quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins & minerals (follow a healthy & balanced diet). A balanced diet is usually expressed in one of two ways: as a ratio of the carbohydrate, protein, & fat food groups, or as a food pyramid, where the recommended daily consumption of different kinds of food within the three food groups is defined by portions or quantities.


Getting the right amount of energy to stay healthy & to perform well is KEY. Consuming too much energy increases body fat; too little, & performance falls, injuries are more likely to occur, & illness results. 

©      Control your meal portions. To ensure the correct portion sizes you can use a food scale. 

©      Make sure you drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day. When your body is properly hydrated, you will look & feel better. Adequate water rewards you with enhanced health, increased energy, bright, clear eyes & a radiant complexion. Water carries nutrients to every cell in your body, it flushes out toxins, it improves circulation & blood flow & it lubricates your joints. Make water a habit & a priority in your life.

Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results.

Next week I will be talking about the importance of exercise & the benefits thereof.
Have a GORGEOUS week Ladies!
WBFF Pro Angie Snyman

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